Designing Joyful Havens: Expert Solutions for Inspiring Children's Ministry Spaces

Children's Ministry Spaces
by Cool Stuff Studios

Children's ministry spaces

To engage families and reach reach a community for Jesus, start with the children.

There are often very few barriers to parents encouraging their children to attend Church and, in fact, welcome the opportunity. When children have fun and enjoy themselves, they bring their friends along and tell their family. When children are happy…parents are happy, opening up an opportunity for God to work in their hearts.

Gone are the days when a children’s church volunteer told a bible story using a simple flannel board with paper characters. Children today are iPhone toting, video game playing, Pokémon Go catching, video watching, tech wizards, and Church ministries need to keep up!

So, how do you get children interested in coming to Church?  All across North America, vibrant, growing, healthy churches are reaching their communities by creating a themed space that is fun and full of adventure. By whisking children away to another time and place, they become immersed in their learning environment with all of their senses engaged. They are excited to learn and can’t wait to come back.


A themed space transforms your typical classrooms and gathering spaces into a cohesive place that tells a story, creates an adventure and carries a specific motif throughout. It can bring the pages of the bible to life using imagery and sounds as well as 2D and 3D sculptures.

Just imagine the look of wonder in a child’s eyes as they walk into a Church area themed after Noah’s Ark where they experience the animals walking on two-by-two. Or perhaps your team wants to create an outer space theme that celebrates the majesty of God’s creation. Then again, you may want to re-create a jungle river cruise wilderness or bring the Garden of Eden to life.

Whatever your vision, we work with your ministry team to create a space that, together with God’s spirit, will ignite your Children’s Ministry like never before and reach your communities with the love of Jesus.


We begin with a free Visioneering Encounter Session via conference call where we take time to hear your ideas and pray together so we can listen to what God has in store for your ministry.

Then, your CoolStuff theming professional ask you several key questions to help us understand your vision and your goals for your church and community. We want to know what you like, what you don’t like, what you need and what your ideas are around the concept of a themed space.

We discuss how this could seriously impact the growth of your Children’s Ministry and your church overall.

Then…it’s time to let the VISIONEERING begin. At the end of our Encounter, you will have an original concept rendering – all at no charge and no obligation.